Sunday, February 28, 2016

Transferring OpendTect well data between users

Email exchange with Josh Stokes shows how this can be done. Same workflow should work for horizons folder.
From Dr. Liner:

I loaded the Johnson 1 well in opendtect and applied the time-depth curve that came from my synthetic calculation. As an experiment in sharing well data, attached is a zip file of the Wellinfo folder in my Amazon Ditch opendtect project. If you can use it, then you will immediately get the Johnson well loaded and ready to go. Steps...
  1. close opendtect
  2. rename your odata/KS_Devon_AmazonDitch/Wellinfo folder odata/KS_Devon_AmazonDitch/Wellinfo_old
  3. drop the zip file in your odata/KS_Devon_AmazonDitch folder
  4. double click to unzip the file, a Wellinfo folder will be created
  5. open opendtect and run usual session file
  6. open XL 508
  7. add Johnson 1 well from project tree
  8. the well should show up
Let me know if it works

Reply from Josh:

It worked perfectly! Thanks so much for getting me set up.

I’ll let you know if there are any quirks, but so far so good.